Tag Archives: inspiration


My Dream waited for me
While I sat, crouching,
Too afraid to take the leap.
Each fiber trembled
From anticipation
 of flight, of freedom.
Of adventures that could be.
And then a small voice nudged,
Go, plunge, dive, jump,
And let set your sails free…


Art work by SANDY SETIAImage

Return of the boldness

I have woken up from my deep slumber. Finally.

It happened like this:

The Universe: knock knock!

Me: who’s there?

Universe: mi

Me: me who?

Universe: Mi Amo

This simple truth was all I needed to hear.

Thank you. Danke. Gracias. Shukran


Daily Prompt: Circle of five


Daily Prompt: Circle of Five
A writer once said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” If this is true, which five people would you like to spend your time with?

In school we often were asked to write an essay on topics such as ,” My favorite Personality”, or “My idol” “Whom i admire the most”. And I used to absolutely not like this exercise. How can one select just one person? I admire different people for different reason and would rather be a mix of their best. Would we not become too uni-dimensional if we just emulated one person and just as flawed? So invariably I would write the same name each time, like all these essay “guides” would : Mahatma Gandhi.

Ironically I would start with him again this time for my BIG FIVE:

I admire the sheer DETERMINATION this man possessed. Almost single handedly he got a “nation” ( i firmly believe India is a huge collection of multifarious groups rather than ONE country in the real sense of the word) up on it’s feet and moving. He gave the world the alternative of showing the other cheek. And for that I love him.

Ach Rumi! You teach me each time I read you, what it is to love and hence to live. The simplicity and yet the sheer elegance in your thoughts/ words have been an inspiration to me. Just like you said, your beauty has set my life on fire.


My Dad

As clichéd as it sounds, my dad is also one of my BIG FIVES. I have not met a person as kind, as warm and as loving as he is.



He was warm, sharp and founder of almost all the biggest industries in India. He was way ahead of his time and India owes him the beginning of modernization. He was the first Indian to obtain a pilot license issued in India. He showed that you can set up an empire without corruption, without black money.

Babies and children:

Well maybe am cheating here 😉 , yet I know that children inspire me the most. No matter how much you think you know, they know and understand even more. They are straightforward and also know what to say when and where. Loving comes easy to them. So does forgiving. They accept people as they are. Think out of the box. Experiment. Get up easily when they fall down. So call me a cheat if you will, but They remain in my BIG FIVE

Gesines Jobtipps

Handverlesene Stellen in Bildung, Kultur & NGOs für Berlin und Halle-Leipzig

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Ashish Shakya

Writer. Stand-Up Comic. Gulab Jamun Enthusiast.

Come for Company

Somewhere to chat on major world Holidays

The Daily Post

The Art and Craft of Blogging


Just Musing!!! - Aradhana Kushwaha

The Matticus Kingdom

Whatever it will be...

Mirth and Motivation

Motivate. Elevate. Laugh and Live Positively!


Another me you barely see (and all the pent-ups)


Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames. (Rumi)

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